We’ve reopened our practice in accordance with CDC, ADA., and State guidelines to responsibly resume seeing our patients for regular dental appointments and treatment.
We want to assure you of the measures we take to maintain a clean and safe environment so you can continue to receive needed dental care without fear or concern.
Our team has had training to ensure our processes meet or exceed sanitation and sterilization standards of care, and we have elevated our infection control procedures in response to this time of global concern. You can visit our practice with confidence, knowing we are taking additional measures to provide for the safety of our patients and our team:
These questions will be asked upon arrival at our office. If you have a temperature greater than 100 at the time of your appointment, or if you answer yes to any of the questions below, your appointment will be rescheduled to a later date when it is safe for you to be seen. This is for the safety of our team and other patients. Please contact us with any questions.